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Donate Today!

Support The Alliance in strengthening San Fernando Valley neighborhoods.

$16,684 raised

$15,000 goal

/ 150


Help us build the Valley!

The San Fernando Valley is a great place to live. We have industrious people, a thriving economy, top schools, and fun amenities, among other strengths. And we are committed to making it better.

While some areas of our region are wealthy and strong, for too long, other regions have suffered from severe underinvestment. A large proportion of our people live in low-to-moderate income areas and don’t have equal access to opportunities and resources to fulfill their desire for financial self-sufficiency. And there is still much work to do to help our community heal and recover from the pandemic-triggered shock to our economy.

The answer is to give where we live. Fully 80% of the contributions given in the United States are given by individuals like you who decide to make a difference. People who have a little extra to share are helping their neighbors in need every day. Those who truly want to see The Valley prosper and to improve our local way of life can make a meaningful difference by giving locally and generously.

Support our Give Where You Live campaign now, and make your mark on the Valley for good.